เผยแพร่โดย HotGuysFuck
We have just the thing for you.
That's why we're searching for the most incredible talent out there.
And we want you.
At Hot Guys Fuck, we're raising the industry standard for the hottest new talent.
And get paid to do it.
We're offering to cover all fees and travel from anywhere in the United States.
Do you think you're hot enough to make it?
Apply directly at hotguysfuck****
What's up guys?
You two again.
Double trouble.
You excited for this one? You guys are trouble.
Yeah, we are. We are.
We got to know the back story.
Got to tune in to the HGF house.
We know who you are, but give us your name one more time.
Sir. And?
And I am ***** Sophia.
Perfect. Alright guys, let's do this.
Yes it is.
I love those pillows.
Oh my...
Oh my god.
Oh fuck.
That's so fucking good.
Oh, fuck.
Oh fuck.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Oh fuck.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
I'm still not feeling specific.
This tastes so good.
Oh my God.
Oh, fuck.
Oh my God, babe.
You see the jit in fact, baby?
Quick seat, wow, let's pull this down,
keep this mattress protected.
Well, have a seat.
So, for those of us that have been watching
the live cam today, we know all about what's happened.
But for those that don't--
And this part too.
- 2,701
- 17:13